They're counting on your ignorance and compliance to swallow the empty so-called green rhetoric that they're pushing.
High density urban development like the 4 story Moore Building that sits nearly empty on Healdsburg Avenue and 10th in downtown Santa Rosa. The family that built that with their savings lost everything. Crony developers and the groups they fund, like Sonoma County Conservation Action, along with the fake greens, the train proponents, are in it to influence politicians, get contracts, get subsidies, and manipulate regulations.
Who gets hurt?
Elnoka is a perfect example. The high density housing project to be built against the wishes of the neighboring low density senior development. Where is it? Out in the boonies. No need for high density there, but the developer wants it and has the rhetoric to get the green power trippers on his side.
Green: the color of money.
It's for your own good---it's Communitarianism and UN AGENDA 21.