Congratulations to the Institute of Justice law firm and to all of us who have been fighting Redevelopment. The Courts have supported what we have known for years: Redevelopment is a vampire that has been sucking the tax dollars out of our roads, schools, police and fire, hospitals, parks, our general funds and our lives for more than 60 years.
The Santa Rosa Neighborhood Coalition fought the City of Santa Rosa to stop the Gateways Redevelopment Project. Although we lost after a 3 year fight (2006-2009), we feel vindicated by this landmark decision by the California Supreme Court.
Calling over 5 square miles of our city blighted so that money can be diverted to bond brokers and crony developers is wrong. Now the courts have made it crystal clear: The city cannot steal our property tax dollars any longer.
Redevelopment is supported by cronies, by developers, by unions with connections (North Bay Labor Council), lawyers, private consultants, city staffers, the list goes on. All had their hands out for the money train. None had scruples enough to admit that diverting our hard-earned tax dollars into their pockets was wrong. Now the courts have spoken.
Redevelopment is dead.
What’s next? Infrastructure Tax Districts. They don’t have the power of eminent domain but they do have the power to divert transportation tax dollars into the hands of private developers for ‘Smart Growth’. This is what they mean when they say ‘Sustainable Communities.’
Sustainable Development is the Green Mask. Join the fight. Visit our websites for more information.
For the Steering Committee
Rosa Koire, ASA
Santa Rosa Neighborhood Coalition