As you know, a Delphi meeting is set up on the premise that the organizer is 'welcoming the public's input' but the truth is that the outcome of the meeting was determined in advance. The public is there for a propaganda session and to give the illusion that there was public buy-in. Typically participants are given crayons and paper like children and told to 'design' a perfect community. This utopia was miraculously envisioned in advance and is produced on colored maps with lots of pretty pictures of middle class people recreating.
The goal is to homogenize the Bay Area and the nation with 'smart growth'--mixed use developments subsidized by your tax dollars, with ground floor shops and two to four stories of residential units above. Very little parking, very little open space, few private outdoor areas. Constructed right next to a busy street or rail-line (active or not), these condo and apartment developments discourage private vehicles. Planning documents for each and every city and county are standardized and brought into alignment with this idea. No one can get anything built that does not conform to this plan, and only subsidized developers (cronies) can get their projects built. Banks won't lend on these projects without government guarantees because they often have high vacancy, crime, and poor maintenance. Typically the retail space never rents up or rents for far less than the developer expected. Often the developer has gotten a private loan from an elderly investor who then loses everything. Up here in Sonoma County we have developers Alan Strachan and Orin Theissen as the most infamous for that behavior. And you'll recall that Alan Strachan had been poised to offer 'Green Energy Loans' as a boondoggle pushed by the sponsors of One Bay Area.
This is social engineering. These developments are designed for the minimum of privacy, and to allow controlling energy and water agencies the option of limiting your usage without your input. In the guise of environmentalism the stress of living will increase through greater regulation and restrictions.
PLAN TO ATTEND THIS MEETING (read about Delphi meetings first)
Sonoma County* Wednesday, May 18, 2011, 5:30-8:30 p.m.
The Glaser Center
547 Mendocino Avenue, Santa Rosa