Now, however, I realize that as a rank and file member I had no idea what was going on with my money or how the unions had morphed from the Cesar Chavez model of fair representation for the voiceless to the gorilla in the room playing back door politics.
The creation of ever-fragmenting groups here in Sonoma County is an example of this. We've been accused of picking on poor Michael Allen but he is the nexus around which much of this swirls.
Look under the rock and he is invariably there with one of his hats on and with his hand out.
- The Accountable Development Coalition (creating artificial community consensus to forward a self-serving machine): He was a founder
- The North Bay Labor Council (Lisa Maldonado is executive director, need we say more): He was president
- Solar Sonoma County (using pressure to enact legislation requiring labor-installed solar installations): He was a founder
- Santa Rosa Planning Commission: As a planning commissioner appointed by Gary Wysocky, he tried to get a requirement into the General Plan which would force all property owners to have energy tests on their homes (union) and mandatory energy upgrades (union work)
- Who were his biggest campaign contributors for his runs for City Council (he lost) and 7th Assembly District? Unions. Electrical Unions. Potential installers of solar. In both races he raised tens of thousands more than anyone else. Union money. My money. Your money.