You are witnessing a plan that is being implemented all across the United States NOW. It has many names but it's the same plan. UN AGENDA 21/SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: Sustainable Cities Strategy. It is a regional plan that creates unelected boards of elected officials who are engaged in erasing the boundaries between cities, counties, and states. You are losing your ability to influence your government policies at the same time that you are being solicited for your opinion. It's a tactic to silence you. This is the Delphi method of manipulating groups and controlling populations that may protest. By 2050, or sooner, there will be 11 Mega-Regions in the United States that include parts of Mexico and Canada. This is not a delusional rant. This is a fact. Go to
What are these plans called? Your government is using similar names for all of these plans and they are all the same: Regional. They are being rolled out NOW. The adoption date is MID-2013. ALL OVER THE US. Most of us are unaware that the plan we are fighting is the same plan, with minor variations, being imposed in the name of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, expanding public transportation, and funding low-income housing. All plans include Smart Growth--high density housing with restrictions on personal space and car usage. All plans support high speed trains--the building block of Mega-Regions. All plans give power to regional transportation and planning boards (MPOs and COGs) through federal and state fund disbursements. In all plans housing and transportation are now linked. In all plans population projections are hugely inflated. All plans will go forward as planned regardless of your input. This is a planning revolution.
Here are just a few places around the country using the word "VISION" a UN Agenda 21 buzz word. There are many others with similar names using the sustainability jargon. These are just a few of the thousands in the US and around the world (for example, the Hanoi Center Regional Plan is exactly the same)
- One Valley One Vision (you'll find this in Santa Clarita Valley, CA; Montana; and Dona Ana County/Las Cruces New Mexico
- Nine Counties, One Vision (Tennessee)
- One Region One Vision (New York, Indiana)
- Our Florida Our Vision
- One Bay Area (SF Bay Area--9 counties)
- Six Towns One Vision (Lycoming County)
- Five Counties One Vision (Minnesota)
- Four States One Vision (Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas)
Not on our watch.
Awareness is the first step in the Resistance.
Action is the second step.
- DEMAND THAT SANTA ROSA TERMINATE ITS MEMBERSHIP IN ICLEI--International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives