Lisa Maldonado, wearing so many hats that you can barely see her, is the executive director of North Bay Labor Council (hired by Michael Allen and his biggest supporter) and plenty more. She's spending her time posting on the Watch Sonoma County website supporting the ADC (founded by Michael Allen) and trashing anyone who opposes Michael Allen. Now someone on WSC has posted this revealing information:
TroublemakersAugust 4, 2010 at 11:37 amAccording to a website devoted to Bay Area labor “troublemakers” Lisa Maldonado and Martin Bennett are among the instructors.
Bay Area Troublemakers School
Turning Crisis Into Opportunity
May 30
Laney College, Oakland
Workshops including: Nuts & Bolts Organizing Skills; Youth in the Labor Movement; Aggressive Grievance Handling; The Fight for Single-Payer Health Care; Community-Labor Alliances. Scroll down for a complete list!
Register at the door!
Regular registration: $20
Building Solidarity County by County: Central Labor Councils and Organizing [Panel & Discussion]: How Central Labor Councils use community coalitions and advocacy to assist unions in moving and coordinating organizing campaigns. Panelists will address the fight for the Employee Free Choice Act and organizing efforts at the Port of Oakland, among others. T.C. Wilson, Alameda CLC, Martin Bennett, North Bay CLC, Lisa Maldonado, North Bay CLC
Using community coalitions and neighborhood groups, and then fragmenting themselves into as many subgroups as possible, these people manufacture consent and make themselves the spokespeople for our community.
This is completely unacceptable to us and we will fight it.