This project has been vigorously opposed by SRNC and the neighborhood for the 18 months that we have been subjected to it. Our petition, with 684 signators, called for the restoration of Humboldt Street.
We reported the City of Santa Rosa to the Federal Highways’ Civil Rights Division for violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and this is most likely what finally stopped it.
Besides the danger, besides the price-tag, besides the arrogance of ignoring the concerns of the neighborhood, besides the
fanatical adherence to an ideology that diverts radically from just the healthy experience of riding one’s bike, the arm-twisting, the deception, and the manipulation involved in this project has exposed the City and the Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition to light.
We applaud the citizen activists who refused to give in after countless meetings and pressure. Those who stand together to say that they will not allow their neighborhoods and neighborhood associations to be taken over by special interest groups have won a victory today.