Sonoma County will be presenting its plan for a countywide public power agency on Tuesday to the Sebastopol City Council.
Called Community Choice Aggregation, the county is proposing a joint-powers agency between the county and cities that would buy energy on the wholesale market.
It would be an alternative to purchasing power from PG&E, although PG&E would still maintain the infrastructure.
The program is also seen as a way to boost investment in clean and renewable energy sources, create jobs and reduce greenhouse emissions.
The Sonoma County Water Agency has been giving the hour-long presentations to each of the cities.
The Sebastopol City Council is meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday in the Youth Annex.
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Sonoma Citizen says: September 2, 2012 at 2:35 pm
Sonoma Clean Power will increase the revenues of the Water Agency by fourfold and its capital budget by fifty fold. This is is a billion dollar addition to the debt obligations of County taxpayers. How qualified is the Water Agency to serve as steward of the public trust in a financial environment where we have pension obligations of over a billion, an unfunded road budget of one billion? Here’s the story the Press Democrat is not reporting: the Water Agency
–exempt from Grand Jury scrutiny, protected by a complicit County Counsel, fronted for by the County Auditor/Contoller, and relied upon as paymaster for Supervisors political favors–has crafted a high risk/ low benefit billion dollar cornucopia for payoffs to county insiders.
Stay tuned. If you think the casino shenanigans by Senator Boxer, Darius Anderson, Doug Boxer, Michael Allen and our other insiders are ambitious, Sonoma Clean Power is a screenplay in the making for very big box office, our local version of Watergate